Saving Scout Read online

Page 5

  “You're so fucking gorgeous, babe.”

  I ran my fingers over his muscular chest as I responded. “You're not so bad yourself, Charlie.”

  He scoffed a laugh. “So, you do know my birth name. Who told you?”

  I smirked at him. “I'm not at liberty to give up my sources. When did you earn your nickname?”

  “I bet it was Bulldog, or Rose.” I kept my face neutral, not giving away he had it right and it was Bulldog's wife, Rose who'd told me a long time ago. “Fine, you're not gonna tell me. My folks started calling me Scout when I was a young boy. Not entirely sure why, but it stuck. You know, I've always wondered how you ended up in foster care to begin with?”

  “The usual. My mother liked drugs more than me. No idea who my father is.” I shrugged and shook my head a little. “Strange how we've known each other for so long, yet we know so little about each other.”

  “Yeah, well, I was being a stubborn fool. Those days are over now. Marie, this right here? It's me claiming you for good. You're my old lady, now and forever.”

  As I lay there trying to form a response, he rolled over on top of me and fused his mouth to mine to kiss me senseless again. Tangling my hands in his hair, I gave over and enjoyed finally having Scout all to myself. I still wasn't one hundred percent sure on his declaration that he was claiming me for good. After twenty-five years of him pulling me in and pushing me away, it was going to take more than a few pretty words to make me believe it.

  Leaving my mouth, he trailed kisses down my throat, his beard tickling me as he went and making me giggle. He gave me a low growl before he turned my laughter into a gasp when he took a nipple in his mouth and gave it a hard suck. My grip in his hair tightened as he moved to give the other side the same treatment. Every suck and nip he made sent a shock wave directly to my clit and I ground my pelvis up against his. Wanting, needing more.

  “You on birth control?”

  I shook my head. “Never needed to worry about it.”

  I winced when he lifted his head to stare into my eyes. Maybe I should have just lied to him. Now he was going to ask more questions. I just knew it. My body began to cool off as my gaze got trapped by his intense blue irises.

  “How many lovers have you had, Marie?”

  That had me cringing, but for some reason I couldn't break eye contact.

  “Counting you just now, two.”

  With my breath held, I watched as he frowned for a moment before he tilted his head and confusion spread over his expression.

  “You've only had one lover since you moved out of my house all those years ago?”

  My cheeks heated with a mix of anger and embarrassment as I nodded my head, technically my first time had been before I moved into his house, but I wasn’t going to point that out right now.

  “Well, it's not like your damn club made it easy for me to date! Every time a man showed any interest, he’d get chased off!”

  I tried to shove him off me but the bastard didn't move.

  “I'm sorry.” I froze at his words and he cleared his throat. “I had no idea my boys were pulling that shit with you. Bulldog mentioned something to me yesterday about it going on, and honest to God, that was the first I knew of it.”

  “That doesn't make it better, Scout! It doesn't all go away now because you didn't order it. It's still on you and the Charons that my life has passed me by and I've got nothing to show for it!”

  He moved up so his face was level with mine. Holding his weight on one arm, he cupped my face with his other hand.

  “Babe, you could have moved at any moment. You could have said something to me about it. But you didn't. Why?”

  I closed my eyes against his intensity, my anger and heat fading. He was right, it was equally my decision to stay in Bridgewater. I knew the Iron Hammers would have completely forgotten all about me and Sarah within a few months. I could have followed Sarah and moved on, but I hadn't. Like some stupid, lovesick fool, I'd stayed.

  “You know why I stayed.”

  “Need to hear the words, babe.”

  Another healthy dose of anger and embarrassment buzzed through me, and I glared up at him.

  “Because I'm a fucking idiot. Because for twenty-five fucking years, I've been waiting for you to pull your head out of your ass and see me. Really see me. And all that got me was a few moments of hope, where you'd give me some fucking attention, affection, only for you to shut down on me again afterwards. It didn't give me a family, or love, or someone to keep me warm and safe at night. Nope, it's given me nothing but pain and heartache. Thanks for the reminder. Now, get off me!”

  With my final words I shoved at his shoulders as hard as I could and he rolled to the side. It was enough for me to get out from under him, to rush to the bathroom where I shut and locked the door. Then I stalled out. My chest was on fire with pain. Once again I'd allowed that man in, only to have him rip me open. Stumbling over to the sink, and with a hand on the cool surface on either side of it, I let my head hang as the tears dripped from my eyes. Soon sobs wracked my body, making me shudder to the point my knees grew weak. I was so lost in my misery, I didn't hear when Scout managed to unlock the door.

  “Ah, fuck, babe.”

  I just shook my head. I was too far gone to speak, and I didn't have anything left to say. What could I say? That I was in the middle of a full-on midlife crisis and he’d asked the exact wrong question and set off all my internal triggers? Somehow I didn’t think that would help matters.


  Fucking hell. What had I done to this beautiful, strong woman? How could I have been so fucking selfish to not have seen what my actions were doing to her all these years?

  I stayed on the bed in a state of shock until I heard her first sob. Cringing, I hopped up and rushed over to the door. Naturally she'd locked it, but it was the type of handle that had a release on it, you just needed a coin or screwdriver. Going over to my jeans I pulled out my Leatherman, grateful I'd decided to bring it with me, and flipped out the flat head screwdriver as I went back to the door. In seconds I had the lock popped open. After quickly tossing the Leatherman back on my jeans, I shoved the door open and stopped dead in my tracks.

  She was leaning over the sink, her shoulder-length hair hiding most of her face, but I could still see in the mirror the tears that were dripping from her face into the sink. Her whole body shook with her sobs. Fucking broke my heart that I'd done this to her―the one woman in this world who meant the most to me―and I'd fucking broken her.

  “Ah, fuck, babe.”

  Her knees wobbled but she caught herself before she crashed to the floor. Enough of this shit. I rushed forward and lifted her, cradling her against my chest. She wrapped her arms around my neck and resting her head on my shoulder, she buried her face in against my beard as she continued to cry. I made my way back to the bed, and holding her with one arm, I shoved the bedding aside, then climbed in so I was sitting with my back against the headboard. Marie gripped me tighter, like she was afraid I was gonna put her down. Not fucking likely. I would never put her aside again if I could help it.

  Leaning forward, I grabbed the blankets and sheets and pulled them up so they covered her trembling body and just held her, stroking her back until the storm passed. My chest fucking ached at the pain I'd caused her. As her sobs began settling down, I pressed a kiss to the top of her head and decided there was no point in trying to talk things out tonight. She was too tired and emotional.

  As smoothly as I could manage, I shifted down the bed until I could lie down. Without a word, Marie shifted so her body was pressed up against mine. Her thigh over mine, her arm over my torso and her head nestled into the indent below my shoulder. Glancing down, I lifted my hand to move the hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear. Fuck, she was beautiful. Even with tear streaks down her face, she was the most gorgeous woman I'd ever seen.

  “Go to sleep, babe. In the morning I'll make it right. We'll fix this.”

  She tensed
for a moment, but stayed silent and kept her eyes closed. I kept up stroking her back and face gently, until she was sound asleep. Then I let myself follow her into dreamland, hoping like fuck we could talk and fix things in the morning.

  When I woke, I rolled to the side and threw out my arm for Marie, but only found cold sheets. Sitting up, I held my breath and glanced around the room for any sign of her. I couldn't hear the shower running, and when I noticed my clothes were neatly hanging over the back of a chair, and there was nothing else in the room, I realized she'd left. She'd woken before me and snuck out. Anger coursed through my veins as I tore the sheets back and quickly dressed. Leaving her room, I stormed down the hall to my own room and made fast work of getting changed and packing my bag. Even though I knew she wouldn't answer my call, I pulled my cell out and hit up her number. It rang for-fucking-ever before clicking over to voicemail, but I didn't leave a message. I didn't know what to say. Nope, I'd head back to Bridgewater and go see her tomorrow at her cafe. Head in after the lunch rush, and make sure Zara was around to close up so I could take her away somewhere.

  Checking out thankfully didn't take long, then I was back at my bike. Storing my bags, I pulled my Charons cut out and put it back on. Then took a deep breath. It had felt strange not wearing it last night. But Marie had wanted a biker-free weekend, and I'd wanted to give it to her. Pulling my pack of smokes out, I got one lit up and took a few long drags before I started my bike and put my helmet on. Once I finished my smoke, I crushed the butt under my boot, tossed it in a nearby can, then got on my Harley and rode out of town.

  The entire ride back home, my head was a tangled mess of thoughts. I wasn't paying attention like I should’ve been, which was how I found myself being boxed in as I neared Bridgewater. A large van behind, beside and in front of me, meant I was fucked. No way could I go off road. I'd wreck my bike, and no doubt injure myself so I couldn't fight off whoever this was that was fucking stupid enough to touch a Charon. I slowed down as they did until we all came to a stop. Staying on my ride, I reached down and pulled my gun out, flicking the safety off, as I waited for these fuckers to come get me.

  When I heard car doors open on the vehicle behind me as well as in front, I moved off my bike so I had a better line of sight on all the vans. I'd never seen any of the half dozen men who approached me before.

  “What the fuck do you bastards want? Because this is not the way to get shit outta the Charons.”

  “I beg to differ, Scout. I think my way is an excellent way. But we're not doing it out here. Say goodnight, prez.”

  Fuck. I spun to look behind me but was too late. One of the fuckers had snuck up behind me and stabbed a needle into my neck before I could react. I raised my gun and got two rounds off, hearing the grunts as they hit home, before whatever they gave me kicked in and I hit the pavement.



  Monday morning I had to drag myself into my cafe. I was so damn tired. Scout had rung me once Sunday morning and when I'd not answered, he hadn't left a message. The fact he hadn't tried to contact me at all since left a sour taste in my mouth―and a damn ache in my chest. When would I learn?

  “Holy shit, Marie! What the hell happened in Houston? I thought you were going to relax and get pampered, and well, the new outfit looks great, but you look like someone ran over your cat. And I know you don't have one, so it can’t be that.”

  My lips twitched up in a small smile as Zara came in the door, mouth running already.

  “I was having a lovely time until Scout rocked up.”

  The younger woman winced. “Yeah, sorry about that. Mac asked why I was opening for you, and ah, I guess I didn't think. Just told him the truth, then he went flying out the door. Men.” She came up and wrapped her arms around me. “Seriously, are you doing okay? I can get Mac to go hit him upside the head for you? He'll do it. Everyone loves you, Marie.”

  I returned her hug, before I moved away a little.

  “Don't worry about it, sugar. All those boys always tell their president every damn thing. It's always been like that. Scout was like that before he became the president. And I'll be fine. He just did what he always does, pulled me close only to push me away again.” I let out a sigh, I hadn't meant to say that much. “C'mon, let's get ready for the day. People still need to eat and drink.”

  Zara looked like she wanted to say more, but she thankfully didn't. Considering Zara's reaction to seeing me, I paused in getting everything set up to make myself a coffee. Hopefully it would be enough to perk my ass up for the day. I was taking my last mouthful when the front door crashed open, hard enough to rattle the windows.

  “What the fuck?”

  I didn't tell Zara off for swearing in the cafe, mainly because I was thinking exactly what she'd said and then when I saw who it was, I was too shocked to care.


  Dressed in a simple cotton dress, messy hair and what looked like a bruise forming around her throat, my foster sister stood leaning back against the door, her eyes wild.

  “Thank God I found you! Marie, we gotta talk. No, we gotta go. Like now. We'll talk on the way.”

  She was speaking so fast, I could barely understand her. I went to her and pulled her away from the door and into a hug. I could barely believe she was really here!

  “Come into the back room and tell me what the hell's got you so riled up, because I can't just up and leave my business for no good reason.”

  As I guided her through the shop, she continued to mumble. I shouted out to Zara to call Mercedes in. I had a feeling this wasn't going to be a quick visit.

  “No time, no time.”

  Ignoring her words for the moment, I didn't stop until I had her safely out of sight in the back room, where I sat her down before sitting across from her at the little table.

  “Right, Sarah, you're not making a lick of sense right now. Take some deep breaths and tell me what on earth has you running in here like your tail's on fire after over twenty years of silence.”

  She winced and closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. When she reopened her eyes, she reached for my hands, gripping them tightly.

  “I didn't stay away by choice, sister. I fell down a rabbit hole worse than the Iron Hammers. But that's not important right now. They have Scout. They're hurting him. You have to come with me. We can sneak in, free him and sneak back out the way I did.

  Not sure what to make of her words, I focused on her neck.

  “Who hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “It's not important! Scout doesn't have long, we gotta go!”

  “No, we don't. That sounds dangerous, I'll call the club and they'll send a crew out there. Where are they holding him?”

  It was taking all my strength to not fly into a panic. I really didn't want to believe her about Scout. Surely it was false? Would Sarah try to lure me into a trap of some kind, using my feelings for Scout against me?

  “There isn't time for that. And if a bunch of bikers turn up, they'll just kill him. The best chance we have is to sneak in the way I got out. Do it ourselves.”

  “Sarah, I'm going to be honest here. Did whoever hurt you make you come here? To get me to come with you as bait or something?”

  Her eyes widened, like she hadn't even thought of that.

  “I don't think so. I was sneaking around the compound just after dawn because things were too quiet. It was odd. And I found the room they're holding Scout in. He's been tortured, Marie. He doesn't deserve that, not after all he's done to help us.” She shook her head and tears filled her eyes. “He caught me. Nearly choked me, telling me how stupid I was, then he threw me out of the room and slammed the door in my face. I managed to slip out after that. We have to save him, Marie!”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. What choice did I have? I couldn't leave Scout to be killed when the Charons stormed the place. I rubbed at my chest as the ache in my heart grew more painful. Was that why he hadn't called again? Because he couldn't? Wanting some kind o
f confirmation, I pulled my phone out and dialed Scout's cell. It went straight to voicemail. Dread cemented in my gut as my thoughts began to spin. We needed to go and save him, but it didn't feel right to go without at least letting the Charons know. I glanced to the doorway into the shop and saw Zara standing there listening in, looking worried. She held her phone up and I gave her a nod, which she returned. She'd let Mac know, and all the club would know within five minutes.

  “Okay, Sarah. Let's do this. How'd you get here?”

  “On foot. You have a car, right?”

  With a nod, I snatched up my keys, phone and handbag before I headed for the front door. As I pushed through the doorway I glanced back and saw Zara frowning over at me while she was on the phone. Blinking back tears, I took a deep breath and pushed on, hoping like hell it wasn't the last time I would walk out of my cafe.

  The drive out of town was quiet, except for Sarah giving me directions. I appreciated she didn't try to chat the whole way. Somehow I was managing to stay calm on the outside, but inside I was screaming. Just because Scout had pissed me off with what he'd said on the weekend, it didn't change the fact I loved the man. I began sending up prayers that he was okay, that we'd both get out of this alive.

  Something about Sarah still had me on edge, like she wasn't telling me the whole truth. And I knew full well how that kind of shit could get you into trouble. However, knowing that the Charons weren't going to be too far behind us, helped me keep my grip on my sanity. Who'd have thought I'd ever be grateful that Keys could track any one of us via our phone any time he wanted?

  The further we went out of town, the more nervous I got.

  “How much further is it? I don't think it's a good idea to park too close.”

  “Not far now, and yeah, announcing our arrival isn't going to help us.”

  A few minutes later, she directed me into a little convenience store on the outskirts of town. The lot only had a few other cars in it, and thankfully, no people were hanging around out here. Grabbing my bag, I popped the trunk and dumped it inside before locking up my car. Last thing I needed to be worrying about was my damn bag while doing this thing. I quickly checked my phone and saw a message from Zara saying the boys would be on their way soon. I deleted the message, just in case someone got hold of my phone, and because my paranoia was working overtime right now.