Jaguar Secrets Read online

Page 5

  On the drive out to the reserve from Jace and Tilly’s place the men let her sit in the back seat alone with her thoughts. She’d thought back to her lonely childhood, bouncing around the foster care system. The day her ‘mother’ had come for her and her subsequent escape to Ceduna for a new life. After thinking it all over she’d come to a conclusion. She was going to accept Luca and Nate. They were good men, honorable and strong. They’d both protect her and love her. She knew it. Just like she knew, somehow, she’d already fallen head over heels in love with both of them.

  Fifteen minutes later, Cammi stood surrounded by the outback at its finest. She took a deep breath of the fresh country air and even with her eyes closed she sensed her men coming closer to her.

  “You look like an angel with the sunshine making your skin glow, sugar.”

  Nate. Warmth spread through her as Nate pressed against her back and Luca prowled toward her front, pressing her into Nate’s chest. With a giggle she dashed sideways and ran from them across the rough terrain of the outback.

  “Oh, now that’s just asking for trouble.”

  Cammi kept running as Luca’s voice reached her. Two flashes caught her attention moments before two big cats ran past her, brushing at her legs. A sleek black jaguar with the sun reflecting off his fur. Luca. The other was golden orange with black spots. Nate.

  Her steps slowed as she watched them dash in and out of trees and play-fight one another. They were magnificent. Nate took Luca down, rolling onto his back as he did. A glint of light froze her thoughts. She made her way closer to look what it could be, but before she reached him, Nate was back on his feet and off across the plains. Luca trotted over to her and wound around her legs twice while purring, before he shoved her in the direction Nate had gone.

  “Oh, why not?”

  She jogged after Nate with Luca trotting alongside her. Stunned, she stumbled over something on the ground as she rounded a large clump of trees. Nate lay, ready to pounce, on the edge of a picnic blanket.

  “You boys really went all out, didn’t you?”

  A flash flared moments before Luca wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

  “We did have plans. However, they were meant to happen earlier so the drinks and food probably aren’t cold anymore.”

  They’d brought food? Wow. She’d never had a man put this much thought into a date before.

  “Never would have pegged you two for the romantic type.”

  Nate lay there swishing his tail as she moved from Luca’s embrace toward the rug.

  “C’mon Nate. Flash back so we can have something to eat.”

  Luca’s voice brought her attention back to Nate. She was still his sole focus, and she couldn’t hold back the shiver that ran through her at being under his intense scrutiny. He rose to his four feet and took a couple of steps toward her before he flashed to human. Shorts shimmered onto his body seconds after the flash, and she caught another glimpse of metal. She rose an eyebrow in question, but Nate just prowled over to her and gathered her in for a passionate kiss. By the time he released her from his embrace her mind was fogged with lust and she could barely remember her own name, let alone whatever it was she was going to ask him about. She simply stood swaying in a daze as the men pulled out a couple of ice chests from in amongst the trees.

  “Hungry, darlin’?”

  She eyed the two men off. Hell, yeah, she was hungry. “Uh huh.”

  Nate chuckled. “For food, sugar.”

  Cammi gave her head a shake to clear her mind of lust before she joined the men to see what they’d brought for their picnic. She looked over Luca’s shoulder into a huge ice chest. It had been half filled with ice, so she was certain everything would still be cold.

  “Why don’t you sit down, darlin’. Relax while we worry about all this.”

  “Sounds great. You know, a girl could get used to being spoiled like this.”

  The men didn’t say anything, just shook their heads with a chuckle as they continued to pull sealed containers out of the ice chest to place on the rug. Unable to get comfortable sitting on the ground with her hiking boots on she began to take them off.

  “You settling in for the night or something, sugar?”

  “Very funny, Nate. Don’t worry, I don’t have stinky feet. It’s just hard to relax with hiking boots digging into your butt.”

  “Fair enough. I guess.”

  She looked at their feet, which were bare. “So, you can just magic up clothes? Poof and you’re dressed.”

  They both laughed as they shook their heads. “Not quite. It is magic, so rather hard to explain. The clothes have to be something we own. It’s more like teleporting the clothing from our home to our bodies than actually creating the clothes.”

  “Ahh, okay. I think.”

  Nate brought over a plate filled with cold chicken and various salads. After handing it to her, along with some cutlery, he leaned down to kiss her forehead. “You’ll get used to the magic in no time at all.”

  “It all seems a little surreal just at the moment. Oh…”

  “What is it? Something wrong?”

  The men asked identical questions at the same time. If she wasn’t on the verge of panicking she’d laugh.

  “Will I change? After we mate, will I become like you?”

  Nate and Luca both relaxed back against the trees they’d been leaning on before she’d shocked them. They had big Cheshire cat grins and a sparkle in their eyes.

  “Hell, yeah, you will. You are going to be the sexiest jaguar on the planet.”

  She felt a little thrill go through her, right alongside a massive down pouring of fear. What would being an animal feel like? She thought back to how beautiful these two had looked in their sleek, sexy Jaguar form, running through the outback. Was she brave enough to grasp this chance? And how would it happen? She was fully human.

  “But I’m human. Not a shifter… I don’t know if I can…”

  She was tripping over her thoughts and couldn’t get her tongue untied. Luca seemed to pick up that she needed distracting.

  “Because you’re human, you’ll be a mix of us. You’ll be black, but have spots. We’ll probably only see them when you’re in the direct sunlight.”

  Okay, so that sounded cool. She felt her lips quirk up a little at the picture Luca painted in her mind. She frowned again as reality came crashing in.

  “Umm, how do I get, ah, become a shifter? Are you going to bite me? Will it hurt?”

  So many questions raced through her mind, though she held most at bay. These were the important ones. Nate took up the explaining from Luca.

  “We will both bite you, sugar. A bite between mates doesn’t cause pain, it will trip us all off into orgasms. But no pain.”

  “Will I be able to control shifting? Is it lined up with the moon? I mean, I know you two shift on a whim. Do I need to learn to do that?”

  “You’ll have limited control to start with. It doesn’t take long to get the hang of it, just try not to get too angry or upset for the first few weeks. And no, the moon has no effect on us.”

  “When will I shift for the first time?”

  She watched a slight blush creep over both men’s cheeks.

  “Ah, well. You see, sugar, you’ll shift for the first time after you ovulate next.”

  Cammi barked out a laugh before she could stop it. “So you’re telling me, the first time I’m going to flash into a fully grown jaguar will be when I’m hormonal with PMS? Oh I can’t wait for that. You two planning on going for a holiday about then?”

  “Oh, neither of us will be going anywhere, darlin’. Along with those hormones, you’ll be hornier than ever. And I can’t wait to see you as a jaguar.”

  Cammi picked up another bit of chicken and slowly peeled parts off and ate it as she pondered all the information.


  Nate closed his eyes as he basked in the sunshine. He could just about hear the cogs turning in Cammi’s mind, but she n
eeded to work through it all on her own. She didn’t need him and Luca hounding her. He hoped she didn’t take too long to think about it. He was hard and aching. She’d caught a glimpse of his piercing. A grin formed as his cock twitched at the memory of her as she raised her sexy eyebrow in question after he’d shifted. He’d purposely waited a few seconds to clothe himself, just to see her reaction. His eyes flew open when he felt soft lips against his ribs, shocking him out of his thoughts.

  “What the fuck?”

  He gazed down to see Cammi prowling over him, leaving open mouthed kisses and licks in her wake. He groaned as his body responded to her call. She reached his nipple and the cheeky thing gave him a gentle bite. He clenched his teeth against the need to drag her up against him. She had to be in charge for the moment.

  “You know what you’re starting here, don’t you Cammi? There’s no turning back once it’s done. Shifters’ don’t do divorce or separation. Ever.”

  “I know what I’m starting. And I don’t do divorce or separation either. You two will be stuck with me for the rest of our lives.” She cocked her head to the side. “Just how long do shifters live?”

  “A little longer than humans, we should make it to around one hundred and fifty years old.” Nate couldn’t believe how gruff his voice had gone. His arousal was on a skyward flight path.

  “I reckon this tree is more comfortable.” Luca’s equally rough voice spoke quietly as he moved to sit next to Nate. His move gave Cammi easy access to both of them. Nate suppressed a chuckle. No matter what they agreed, they were two alpha males with one woman. There would always be a little competition for attention.

  “Sure as hell is. Even comes equipped with our very own little kitty cat.”

  He winked at Cammi and fisted his hands in the rug beneath him. He desperately wanted to drag her to him. She shook her head with a chuckle and continued her way up his body. She reached his mouth and kissed him with exquisite gentleness. She moved her body so she straddled his hips and her hands came up to cup his face as she delved into him, tasting every inch of his mouth. He felt the heat of her core through both their pants. She began rocking against his erection as she mewled into their kiss.

  She pulled back from his lips and they were both panting for breath, her eyes half-closed and she looked so damn good with her cheeks flushed by arousal.

  “You are beautiful and so damn sexy.”

  She flushed darker red and Luca groaned next to him. Cammi shyly leaned over to Luca and gave him a kiss that was so hot Nate felt heat against his skin. She pulled back and settled back over Nate’s thighs.

  “Now, how far do I go before you two get to take over? I’m not real experienced at seducing.”

  “Until we’re inside you, you have control. You want us to touch you, all you need to do is ask. Once we’re inside your lush little body, there’s no holding back for us. We’ll dominate and possess every inch of you.”

  “Damn straight.”

  Nate grinned at Luca’s strained agreement. He was feeling rather strung out just at this second, too. His breath hitched and his heart stopped as Cammi undid buttons and removed her shirt. He groaned as she reached behind herself to unclip her bra. Her breasts were thrust toward him, and his mouth watered for a taste as she freed the lush mounds tipped with dusty pink peaks. He could hear Luca move beside him, obviously feeling just as aroused. She leaned into him allowing her tight nipples to drag up his torso as she rose to her feet. In a very seductive manner she stepped free of him and shimmied out of her pants and panties. And she’s worried she doesn’t know how to seduce. If she tempted him much more he was going to come in his pants before the party started.

  Gloriously naked she moved back to stand over his body, a foot on either side of his thighs.

  “I want you both naked. Nate, I’ve seen a couple glimpses of what I suspect is a Prince Albert piercing. I’m intrigued and want to see if I’m right. Then I’ll get started on Luca, so no carrying on. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you two get a little competitive for my attention. There is more than enough of me for you both.”

  Nate wished away his pants and a heartbeat later he lay naked as the day he was born beneath Cammi, his precious mate. She gracefully flowed to her knees between his legs as he spread them to make room for her. He ground his teeth as she skimmed her fingers up the insides of his thighs until she cupped him. He hissed in a breath as she explored him with her hands. He tried to think of anything to curb his arousal. He was so close to coming and, even though he’d be able to climax several times before being spent with his mate, he didn’t want to have his first one so early on. He did have his pride. She flicked the metal ring with her fingertip and his cock twitched as his entire body shuddered.

  “That’s hot.”

  “Glad you approve.”

  His voice was barely more than a whisper. She gave him one long lick up the underside of his erection before she moved up his body. Caressing his hard muscles with her soft curves.

  “Touch me, Nate. I want to feel your hands on me.”

  With a sigh of relief he raised his hands to her. He stroked, caressed and massaged every bit of skin he could reach as she continued her journey up his body with kisses and nips. She took his mouth as her pussy rubbed up against his cock. He gripped her shoulders while he tried desperately to hold himself in check. He didn’t want to risk ruining the mating taking place. She pulled back from his mouth a fraction before whispering. “And your mouth, Nate. I want to feel your lips and tongue on my skin.”

  He moaned low in his throat as he leaned into her neck and inhaled while he kissed the soft skin there. She rocked against him, a small gasp leaving her on each upstroke. He’d bet his house on the fact his piercing was rubbing against her clit with each pass. Finally, she slid a little higher and the head of his cock pressed against her slick entrance.

  “Oh, damn, Cammi, you are so perfect.”

  She slowly slid down his length, her jaw dropped as her eyes slid closed. Her whole body shuddered as she moved up and down, taking him in further with each pass. When he was fully seated inside her tight sheath, he gripped her hips.

  Playtime was over.

  She. Was. His.

  Holding her still Nate leaned forward to nip at her jawline up to her ear. In between his rapid breathing he murmured to her. “Don’t go forgetting your other mate. Poor Luca. He’s been waiting like a good boy.”


  Luca was trying very hard to focus on anything other than how damn sexy Cammi looked impaled on Nate’s cock. This ‘woman has to control the first time’ thing had serious problems. He wanted to touch her so fucking bad. The second her mouth opened as she slid down Nate’s cock he could imagine sliding between those soft pink lips with his own stiff erection, taking her mouth as she rode Nate. He moaned as his imagination got a little too active. Cammi’s big blue eyes turned on him, melting him with their heat.

  “Hey darlin’.”

  Her hot gaze took all of him in. When she reached his groin, she licked her lips and his cock twitched in response.

  “Come to me.”

  Her commanding tone pricked his arousal, sending it higher. He’d been told no matter how shy a woman was, when she decided to mate with her men she turned into a sultry siren. Cammi had proven that theory. While not shy, she was timid about sexual things. He rather liked this confident sex kitten version of Cammi.

  He rose to his feet and stood near her. She placed one hand on his thigh and the other on Nate’s chest as she leaned into him. Just as she’d done to Nate, she licked him from root to tip before pulling back and humming her obvious delight.

  “You both taste so good.”

  His entire body shook as the wet heat of her mouth enveloped the tip of his cock. He groaned as he forced himself to hold still for her to learn his body. She slid her mouth down further, taking him all the way until he felt her throat against him. She swallowed past her gag reflex, and he nearly came from the sheer pleasure of i
t. A surge ran through him, and he knew they were now bound as mates.

  He could take control.

  He looked to Nate who had been holding her hips still while she’d been working on him. With a nod Nate grinned and began to move her over him. Luca pushed both hands into her hair, gripping her head and guiding her over his aching cock. She flattened her tongue and formed an ‘O’ with her lips, allowing him to glide in and out as he desired. Each time he nearly pulled free she’d twirl her tongue over the head and tease his slit.

  It was heaven. He’d never felt anything as divine as her mouth, and he couldn’t wait to be inside her pussy. He thrust against her throat and held himself still for her swallow against him. She seemed to know exactly what he wanted her to do. With a roar Luca came down her throat, she swallowed it all and continued laving his cock. He pulled his still hard erection from her and moved to kneel behind her, between Nate’s legs. He reached around and tweaked her nipples. She fell back against him and her shudder felt so good as it moved through her body into him. He moved a hand down to her clit and began to rub and tweak it until she was thrashing her head back and forth.

  “Don’t fight it, Cammi. Come. Come for your mates.”

  She screamed as she shook and came. Nate roared before he lunged forward to wrap his mouth over the flesh at base of Cammi’s neck. Feeling his own jaguar teeth drop down Luca claimed the other side and bit into the tender skin of his sweet Cammi. The second her blood hit his tongue he came again coating her back with his seed and his scent. He could feel her shudder and shake between them and knew she was climaxing hard, too. She went limp against him and he raised his head from her neck. He could see her pulse beating rapidly so wasn’t worried. He lifted her from Nate’s body and moved to the center of the rug where he lay her down and curled up beside her. Nate joined them on the other side.

  Feeling a tingling in his thigh he looked down to see small sparks flicker over his skin. Mesmerized he watched the mating mark form. A stylized jaguar climbing up the outside of his thigh. He glanced at Cammi to see the last of the sparks disappear to reveal her jaguar.