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Claiming Carina Page 2
Claiming Carina Read online
Page 2
Denver numbly walked out of the room behind the other dragons. His Desired was in pain, and he didn't know how to fix it. She was obviously scared of men. Becky making them promise not to hurt her concerned him. Once outside the clinic and out of the females' earshot, Phelan voiced his thoughts. "What the hell has happened to Carina? What kind of place have these females come from?"
Drake responded, "I don't know what's happened to her, but you three are going to have to take it easy on her or she'll run for sure."
Denver scrubbed his face in his hands as Calix's strained voice filled the air. "And we'd be grateful if you could calm and claim her soon. Skye refuses to leave her side. We want some time with our Desired."
Denver understood Calix's concern for Skye. He was feeling the same toward Carina. The fact that Dimitri and Max were bonding with Eilagh in a couple of hours brought home exactly what stakes they were playing for.
"Trust us, Calix. We're going to start winning our Desired over as soon as we can. We just need to work out how."
After Denver's declaration, the men stood silently until the clinic door opened and Becky emerged. He watched as she came out limping, and Savren scooped her up, while scolding her for walking on the injury. Denver wasn't really tracking what she was saying until he heard her tell Savren that she needed to talk to Carina's men. He, Phelan, and Hart all stepped up close to Becky—as did Drake.
Phelan spoke before anyone else could. "What happened to Carina? Why would she think we'd hurt her?"
"Well, aside from the fact that you're all built as big as mountains, which is enough to have most women think twice, Carina has some extra issues."
Denver stood straighter as he felt Becky's stare run over him and his brothers. "All three of you want her?"
"Yes, we are brothers, and Carina is our Desired." Denver smiled widely at Phelan's statement. Soon their family was going to be complete. When Becky huffed he felt his joy begin to fade.
"I'm not sure if you guys are going to be able to win her over." She raised her hand to rub the bridge of her nose. "It's really her story to tell, so I won't go into details. But know that it took her nearly a year before she told us, her closest friends, about what happened. Carina was attacked by a group of men, and they … ah, they hurt her."
Denver couldn't help the growl that escaped. His Desired had been hurt, and his instincts were screaming at him to go hunt down those responsible. Becky shot him a look that would have made a lesser man cower. "You can cut that shit out right now. You'll only scare her."
Fortunately, before Denver opened his mouth and made it all worse, Hart took over. "Becky, I understand it's her story, but you need to give us more than that. How many attacked her? And how did they hurt her?"
"She was on her way home from university. Five men surrounded her and forced her into an alley—" Denver's blood ran cold as Becky stopped to release a sob. The next words out of Becky's mouth ripped his heart in two and caused his very soul to bleed at what his Desired had suffered. "They … they all took turns … to hurt her. Sexually."
Becky broke down completely, and he watched, detached from his body, as Drake and Savren carried a sobbing Becky away from them. Denver felt hands on his shoulders. The familiar weight of his brothers' touch brought him back to his body. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to push past the pain he felt inside.
No wonder she’s scared of men! They took turns to rape our Desired. Denver all but growled to his brothers.
We can heal her. We can do this. Now we know what's happened, we can help her heal and win her heart.
Hart was the gentlest one of him and his brothers, and he was what Carina would need most to begin with.
It will be best if you take the lead with her, Hart. She needs all the tenderness we can supply, and you are the best with that side of things. Phelan and I will follow your lead on this.
Hart took a deep breath to steel himself before pushing through the door to the clinic. Carina now sat, fully dressed, with Skye on the edge of the bed. He walked forward with very measured steps, trying his hardest not to look threatening. He saw her tense up, but she didn't try to hide behind Skye this time, which he took as a positive sign. He felt his brothers enter the room and stand on either side of him.
"Hello, Carina. My name is Hart, and these are my brothers, Denver and Phelan."
As she looked each of them over from head to foot, he saw the briefest expression of arousal cross her face before she clamped it down with a frown and turned to cling to Skye. His poor baby was feeling the connection among them, but anything sex related was going to scare her for a while, he'd guess.
"We're Dragon Warriors, but our main job is farming. We tend to all the cattle and the crops that provide the food for everyone here. Perhaps you'd like a tour of our farm? Skye can come, too. That way you can get outside and get some fresh air. You've been stuck in this room for days."
Carina slowly lifted her head and looked at him before she turned to Skye.
"Whatever you want to do is fine, Carina. We've got all the time in the world."
Well, they might. He and his brothers didn't. To have their Desired nearby but not claimed would very quickly drive all three of them completely insane. Before the plague took all the females from them, dragons used to be killed due to the insanity caused from having their Desired reject their bond.
Before Carina could say anything else her stomach growled loudly.
"I'm so sorry! That was very loud." She lowered her head, tucking her chin in so her hair fell to hide her face from them.
"Don't be sorry, baby. It's my fault. I didn't think. You haven't eaten in days while you've been sleeping. Let's go to the Dining Hall and get you something to eat. We can tour the farm later."
He watched as she gripped Skye tighter. "I'll come with you. It’s okay, Carina."
He and his brothers, and Skye's men, stood back from the doorway to allow Skye to lead Carina out, before they all followed them to the Dining Hall.
This is looking impossible, brother.
Phelan was always the skeptical one of them.
Don't fear yet, brother. I have an idea that should help. We just need to get her to go on the farm tour.
He could feel his brothers give him a strange look, but he didn't care. He wasn't giving details away just yet.
They entered the Dining Hall to find the servers bringing out a number of platters of roast beef and vegetables that they had freshly roasted just for them once they'd heard Carina had awoken. He pulled out a chair for her as Calix did the same for Skye. The men let the women sit together, and Hart moved with the other men around to the other side of the table to sit. They'd not eaten earlier either, as they had stayed to guard Carina. Skye's men had eaten, but dragons were always able to pack away more food so they also piled their plates high and started eating. Hart figured if they all started eating, Carina would feel calmer and less like the center of attention. He watched as Skye filled a plate for Carina and set it in front of her.
By the time they all finished eating Carina wasn't clinging to Skye anymore. Both females were looking much more relaxed than they had before the meal.
"We need to head out to the orchard now. Your friend Eilagh's Bonding Ceremony is due to start soon. I'm sure she'd want both of you there for it."
"Bonding Ceremony?" Carina's face screwed up into the cutest frown.
"Eilagh and her men, Dimitri and Max, are bonding. I believe the Earth phrase is getting married."
Carina's eyes shot up to his. "I've only been out of it for half a day longer than Eilagh, right?"
"It's been a very eventful day."
Carina turned to Skye with panic written clearly all over her face. "Skye, Eilagh is way too sensible to get married after one day. Are they forcing her? Are they going to force all of us to get married straight away?"
Hart sucked in a sharp breath at her quiet words. He hadn't expected her to see it
that way.
"Carina? Please look at me." He waited until she did before he continued, "We promised you earlier that none of you will be forced into anything. We meant it. You will see for yourself that Eilagh is very happy and totally willing to bond with her men."
Calix got up from his chair and moved toward Skye. "We really must get moving or we'll miss the ceremony, and trust me, you both want to witness this. It's very magical and rather special."
Hart noticed Calix snuck in a touch to his Desired, Skye, as he helped her from her seat. Hart wished he could touch his Desired, but he knew it was too soon for that. He simply stood nearby with his brothers as Skye helped Carina out of her chair, and they all headed toward the door.
Chapter Two
Carina stood close to Skye as she stared at the red circle of outback dust on the ground in front of her. She wasn't sure how she felt. She knew the others must be missing their families, but she didn't have any to miss. Her only friends were all here with her. She tried to name the feeling that was winding through her subconscious but couldn't quite grab hold of it. Was it relief? She'd never have to step foot in Sydney again. Maybe it was a touch of excitement? This new land would certainly provide an adventure and perhaps a new beginning.
Skye's gasp pulled her from her thoughts, and Carina looked up to see Becky walk Eilagh down between the apple trees to where they all stood waiting. Her friends were beautiful, and both wore stunning silk gowns. Eilagh's was deep red and Becky's deep purple, while both had gold trim. Carina frowned, trying to think when she had last seen either woman in a dress. She couldn't remember, maybe their high school formal?
"Eilagh is beautiful, and she looks so happy." Skye's voice was all dreamy, like she always got at weddings.
"I can't believe they got Becky to wear a dress—she even looks happy wearing it!" Binda added.
Carina looked at her friends' faces as they approached. Eilagh looked blissfully happy, no sign of any discomfort. She had her eyes firmly focused on her men as she came up to them. Becky looked happy, too. She actually leaned into the man who came to lead her away from the circle.
Carina watched intrigued as another man brought forward a tall intricately designed silver stand that held a large glass bowl of what looked like honey. He placed the stand between Eilagh and her men before he stood back and began the ceremony.
"Welcome all to the Bonding Ceremony of our Clan Leader Dimitri, Warrior Max, and Lady Eilagh. Let us begin. Eilagh, do you accept Dragons Dimitri and Max as yours?"
"Yes, I accept both Dimitri and Max."
Carina didn't hear or see any more of the ceremony as she was suddenly sucked under by memories. She was transported back in time to when they were all still in early Primary School. Before the car wreck took her parents away from her. They were all over at Eilagh's house for a sleepover. They had raided her mum's wardrobe and were playing dress-up. Eilagh managed to convince her mum to let her wear her wedding dress. They had all the teddies and dolls they could find lined up in rows to witness the wedding. She and the others got dressed up in Eilagh's mum's good clothes. They got a little stuck when it came to the groom, so Eilagh's dog, a big docile Labrador, got roped into the role. After the ceremony as they were all getting out of the dress-up clothes, Eilagh had announced to them that she would never get married unless her heart and soul were both fully in love with the man. They'd all agreed, then laughed as they got ready for dinner.
Carina was pulled back to reality when everyone started laughing. She smiled and let loose a chuckle when she saw Eilagh being carried off by Dimitri and Max. Eilagh was slung over Dimitri's shoulder but raised her head to smile at them. Carina couldn't ever remember seeing her friend look so happy. Maybe there was a chance for her to be happy here too.
"Don't think there's any question about what those three are going to spend the night doing!" Binda's loud voice came from beside her.
Carina turned toward Binda and found her embracing Becky. They both looked up at her and Skye, and they all moved in together for a group hug. Carina relaxed a little in the arms of her friends. They pulled away, and she blinked back her tears. There was a moment of awkward silence, which Becky broke.
"Been a crazy week, huh?"
Carina couldn't help but chuckle. Now that she was starting to relax, she was beginning to look forward to this new start fate had offered her. She calmly followed her friends up to the castle after the men declared it dinner time.
Dinner had been a light one, as most of them had only eaten a short time ago. Once Carina had eaten her fill, Hart very gently brushed his hand against hers and wasn't surprised when she flinched away.
"So, Carina, would you like that tour of the farm now? We've got a little time before it gets dark."
He followed Carina's gaze as she looked over to Skye. He bit his tongue to stop from chuckling. Apparently, the ceremony had gotten to Skye. Leaning back in her chair, she had her eyes closed and her head tilted to the side as Axel kissed his way up her neck. Owen swooped in and claimed her mouth in a kiss with enough heat that Hart could feel it from where he sat on the other side of the table. He caught Calix's gaze.
Can you get Carina out of here? If Skye sees she's willingly gone with you, we might be able to get her back to our chambers, finally.
I'm working on it, Calix.
Carina's soft voice broke up their telepathic conversation. "Ah, I guess so. We won't be going far, will we? And the others, they'll know where we are?"
Hart closed his eyes briefly as pain assailed him. His poor Desired had been so hurt by that attack. He reopened his eyes and stood from his seat to stand by her side. She rose from her seat with rapid jerky movements but didn’t cower away from him. Holding Carina's gaze, he took her hand in a firm grip before placing her palm over his heart.
"I promise on my heart and soul, you will be completely safe with us. None of us will do anything you don't want."
He saw her eyes begin to dilate as her delicate fingers twitched against his skin, caressing his pectoral muscle. He couldn't help but groan as the heat from her hand flowed through his body, hardening his cock.
Snap out of it, Hart. You're scaring her!
Denver's reprimand helped him get himself back under control. He released her hand, and she ripped it away from him like she'd been burned. He felt the loss instantly. Forcing his blood to return north from his groin, he stood and smiled gently at her.
"Sorry, baby doll. I didn't mean to scare you. How about we go on that tour?"
Hart didn't give her time to process her options. He nodded at his brothers, and they came up close behind her. She moved forward to put distance between them, so his brothers moved forward again. Before she probably realized it, they were out in the hall and heading toward the great outdoors.
Hart took a deep breath in as they exited the castle. He loved the outdoors.
"Nothing like breathing in cool, fresh air."
He turned to Carina after he spoke. She had the cutest little grin on her face as if she, too, preferred the outdoors.
They continued on in comfortable silence until they reached the top of a small hill. From the top they could see most of their farmland. Phelan stepped in front of them and shook out a blanket for them to sit on. Hart's lips quirked up. He hadn't seen his brother grab the blanket, but he was glad he had.
"We can see most of the farm from here. Why don't you sit down and we'll point out everything to you."
Hart waited for her to sit, which she did slowly, and he noticed that she slightly trembled.
Sit near her but don't touch her. She doesn't fully trust us not to hurt her yet.
He communicated to both of his brothers as he lowered himself down near her on the blanket. As soon as he sat he began pointing out various things to her. After a short time, her body relaxed, and he watched as her eyes followed his directions around the farm. When he pointed out the stables her gaze softened. So, she had a soft spot for horses? That he coul
d work with.
"So, baby doll, want else do you want to know about?"
"Are you really dragons? You look so normal."
Hart snapped around to look at her as his jaw hung loose. Her response was so unexpected he couldn't help his reaction. A quick glance told him his brothers were equally shocked.
"Dominic and Max shifted at the ceremony earlier. We just have different colored scales from them."
Carina pulled her knees up close to her chest and wrapped her arms around them as she tucked her chin in, hiding once again behind her thick black hair.
"I, ah, I got distracted. Lost in memories. I didn't see most of the ceremony."
Her words were so quiet that he needed his shifter hearing to pick up what she'd said. His poor Desired, her mind was ripping her apart.
"No problem. We'll just shift now and show you."
Her eyes flicked up to him in panic. "You have control over the dragon, right? You're not going to eat me or anything?"
Hart tried really hard to not think about eating her. About how good it would feel to slide his dragon tongue inside her and vibrate her to climax.
"We are equal parts dragon and human. We have full knowledge in both forms of the same things. Our dragons will never harm you."
He waited until Carina nodded before he looked at his brothers. "Shall we?"
They all moved off the blanket and flashed to their dragon forms. When his vision cleared, he saw Carina had jumped to her feet with a hand over her heart and her mouth gaping open. He lowered his head as he watched her, telling his brothers to do the same thing. Ten plus feet of dragon, times three, would be enough to freak anyone out. Carina started walking toward them, stopping just out of touching range.
"So, Denver would be the slightly bigger one." Hart watched Denver lift his head slightly, "and Phelan would be the one with darker scales." Phelan cocked his head to the side.
She stepped forward and tentatively placed her hands on Hart's snout. He briefly closed his eyes as he felt her with every inch of his body. She was part of him now, and he'd be able to find her anywhere now she'd touched his dragon. "And you must be Hart. Your eyes still look gentle and kind, just bigger now."